
Dré Wapenaar 1994

Photography: Robbert R. Roos

Production / Manufacturing:
Gertjan en Dré wapenaar

Initially built for the show:
Vista: Solitary Visions - Dynamic Views

Stichting Fundament.

The show was held at Park Wolfslaar, Breda.

Dré Wapenaar in his speech at the International Design Conference,
Aspen Colorado, june 2001:

Presenting this cliché idea of encampment it sounds contradictory to say that this project doesn't deal with the issues of camping. It is not a comment on family camping. See it as a mirror to look in. Showing that qualities you are looking for somewhere far away, are to be found in your own home, your own familytent. ( see “The Garden” and later “ The Allotment” ). It was the first tent presented as a tent, not as part of a sculpture, like I did for many years before. The tent is completely redesigned and built around 2 separate cells in which you can withdraw yourself and lay down on a stretcher. The light in these cells comes in from above creating a natural fluoriscent environment. There is a front-section and an “entrée”, directing the inward movement. It can become a littlebit twisty, when somebody else is laying down in the other cell like dealing with the conflicting contradictions of the private and public domain.
The tent provoked a great deal of aggression in Breda, a city in the south of the Netherlands, where it was partly damaged by another artist. Later, the tent was completely vandalized in front of the SAINSBURRY Museum, at the EAST AWARD SHOW in Norwich, England. Two completely drunken medicine students were put to jail for a few weeks for damaging it."

Studio GloriusVandeVen